'grams & Tweets

Lady May.

Think on what is excellent and worthy of praise.
-Philippians 4:8

#corsauttribe #makedisciples #chickasaw

Celebrating the end of some things at our spot in the Bay!
#newbeginnings #california #livinglikechickasaws #corsauttribe #icecream

Praise the Lord for 2022.

My latest writing:

Go, send, or disobey.

Made it home to Colorado.
#whitechristmas #christmas #snow #powder #colorado

Shake and Bake.
#boomer #bakermayfield #larams #ou #oklahoma #heisman #sooners #boomersooner #thursdaynightfootball

Thunder up! #sga #okc #thunder #oklahoma #oklahomacity #thunderup

There’s only one Oklahoma.

The killers.
Shoutout to the coaches @mattyoungbjj @durangomartialarts @elevatedmartialartsco Forrest, The Renners, and my cousin @joshmeloy1 for the theme music.

Deacon and Naomi killed it at the tournament in Denver. Deacon had 9 matches between Gi and No-Gi and got 9 subs. Naomi won 7 and lost one between all hers and totally looked stronger and stronger on the mats. Excited to see their growth. Stoked to see some other kids and adults I coach do so well and prove how much hard work they’ve put in. Cheers.
#jiujitsu #denver #grappling #grapplingindustries #fatherhood #tournament @elevatedmartialartsco @escoladelarivadejiujitsu